Showing all 5 books
"One must have some knowledge of organic chemistry which is often regarded as the villain producing substances and using processes that cause environmental damage. However it is through understanding the chemical processes that cause harm to living beings and by being aware of chemical processes that are essential for preventing the harms and damages by using the biotechniques. With the above points in mind organic chemistry in biotechnology has been edited ...
The recent development of molecular biology and genetic techniques in particular those that are increasingly being used in practical situations in fish biology fisheries and aquaculture has led to a gap in the understanding by many of the science behind these techniques and their correct implementation for maximum results. This book has been presented with great clarity and carefully explains the science and application of molecular and genetic techniques to ...
The present publication has been designed primarily as a textbook for courses dealing with an evaluation of insecticides. It provides a thorough, systematic introduction to the subject as required by the readers. Every effort has been made to keep the book simple and suitable for use as a textbook for the students at undergraduate and postgraduate level. Besides for those individuals not directly involved with the day to day activity of insecticides and ...
The present volume offers a study of the women protagonists of the six major comedies of Noel Coward, a well-known but not so well-understood dramatic artist. Critics have branded him as a "blithe spirit" with just a "talent to amuse" and have thus somewhat missed the social thinker in the guise of the entertainer, who was in tune with the emergent issues of the woman's movement of his time. Coward in his own distinctive voice has raised the ...