Showing all 5 books
Sanai, Attar and Rumi are the renowned Sufi Poet-laureates of Iran. They have composed Poetry in Persian on renunciation and divine love. Sanai, the court-poet of Sultan Bahiramshah, being reprimanded by a dervish, renounced his lucrative service of Sultan and retired to the wilderness to perform spiritual practices such as fasts and vigils in solitude. His fear of God and faith in His mercy were supreme. He always said, "You are a pilgrim in this world with ...
This is the tale of an Iranian Muslim lady saint named Tuhfa who sacrificed her life to the love of God. Although she was a poor slave girl misunderstood by the people as a nomic. In fact she was intoxicated with the love of God. In the introduction, the learned author has compared the tenets of divine love giving example from all the religions including Hinduism, Buddhism and Christian mysticism. Hazrat Siri Siqti, the preceptor of Hazrt Junaid was inspired in ...
There are numerous commentaries on the Srimad Bhagavad Gita. The book Nistraigunya Purusottama Yoga of Srimad Bhagavad Gita is unique in the sense that it gives a mystic interpretation of Srimad Bhagvad Gita in which all the world religions are compared. The main purpose of the Author in giving out this work to the readers is to offer them the greatest insight and experience to which man can be heir, this consciousness of His ever fencing and watching us should ...