Showing all 7 books
This movement stresses above all participatory praxis and local needs. On the former, it is argued that Process is as important as product what is aimed at is empowerment through people regaining a measure of control over their situation. On the later, it is routinely stressed that the experts on what is needed are local people themselves, not outside experts. Hence the movement is aimed at capacity building for local communities building the capacity of the ...
Teaching is an important process of communication for both teacher and taught. This process is needed to know each other well. Without the mutual understanding the bipolar process of teaching cannot be effective. It is, therefore essential that a teacher should know thoroughly his students, their needs, motives and their development. Without this knowledge, a teacher cannot modify the cognitive, conative and affective behaviour patterns of his students. He cannot ...
History of Indian Education is a complete text book for the teachers, teacher-trainers and teacher trainees to know about the philosophy of life and characteristics of education during ancient, Vedic, Buddhist, Muslim and English period. The present book is designed to highlight all the important steps and major happenings of educational progress during various phases. The roots of present day educational system are deeply embedded in the past. The future of it, ...
Methodology of Educational Research is a complete text-cum-reference book, it is designed to highlight the important steps needed for educational research. Wherever possible simple examples illustrating the principles have also been given. It is intended to develop an ever curious problem solving mind in the ranks of educational researchers who although of more than average mental ability and administrative training, often lack first hand knowledge of fundamental ...