Showing all 2 books
This book is a collective venture of the Peace Studies Group in the Department of History. In this assortment of essays on diverse themes, the contributors have shared a common concern about how, in recent times, contestation over territory by rival nations and communities has threatened peace and harmony. Looking at the South Asian scenario in the near past reminds one of this sordid truth. The essays on India's partition - Basudeb Chattopadhyay, Bharati Ray and ...
This book is the result of a fruitful collaboration between the Eastern Command of the Indian Army and a team of three professional researchers. Designed to acquaint the readers with an authoritative history of Fort William, it has tried to steer a middle course in the face of two methodological opposites; a coffee table publication and a research monograph. There has been an attempt to weave a historical narrative in a form that would appeal to academics, ...