Showing all 2 books
The present Anthology reflects on the relation between language and grammer, the issue of priority of the one over the other, the relation between semantic and syntactic aspects both from Indian and Western perspectives with special emphasis on the thoughts of Bhartrhari, Jayantabhatta, Wittgenstein, Austin, Chomsky, etc. Discussions are made on the basis of academic texts and literary works as well. Thus, the issues raised in this collection touch intellectual ...
The Present book highlights the importance of verbal testimony (sabdapramana’s) in Indian Epistemology, Knowledge from trusted telling, eternality of word and its meaning, its non-reducibility to inference, philosophical significance of praiseworthy sentence, limits of sruti as a Pramana perceptual cognition generated through verbal testimony, notion of aptatva, etc. these issues are freshly interpreted by a team of scholars who are engaged in research on this ...