Malatimadhava, a romantic social play in ten acts, is composed by Bhavabhuti. The theme of the play is original and deals with the ordinary people of the society; though some of the incidents described here find a parallel in the story of Madiravali in the Kathasaritsagara based on Gunadhya’s Brihatkatha. The plot centers round the love stories of Malati, daughter of the minister Bhurivasu and Madhava, son of another minister Devarata, and of Makaranda and ...
Uttararamacharita by Bhavabhuti (7th Century) deals with the history of Rama’s later life, beginning with his coronation, the abandonment of Sita, and their final reunion. Bhavabhuti says he has only given a dramatic form to the Ramayanakatha of Valmiki. It is true that the main characters and events in this play are drawn from the Ramayana, but the changes in characters and happening Bhavabhuti has made, including the happy end, cannot all be ascribed to the ...