Showing all 2 books
Drug addition, compulsive craving for drugs is an oldest phenomena because the societies, in all parts of the World, have been using phychoactive drugs drawn from more than 4000 plants, to cure various ailments, to enjoy pleasurable sensation and to alter mood when used otherwise. Hence these drugs have always been misused to create euphoria and never have posed a serious threat to the society. But developments, in the last quarter of the twentieth century have ...
Right from inception, that is while in uterus, foetus is protected in every possible way in spite of all the onslaughts of the mankind by the external environment. From environment to environment and culture to culture man rose to live in harmony with nature. But this is not so today. In the quest for more materialistic prosperity man has disrobed the mother earth of its natural vanity, its beauty. Man’s ugly creations has totally disturbed the natural ...