Binod Mishra

Showing all 11 books
English language has expanded in an unprecedented manner over the last few decades and has now acquired the status of a global language. The L2 users of English have outnumbered its (LI) native speakers. English is now being used in almost all the domains of knowledge and has occupied more space on the web world than the rest of the languages of the world. Consequently, the greater demand of learning English to gain the economic prospects and lucrative jobs ...
Cabbages on the Bloom is a collection of articles on sub-continental women writers. The anthology addresses the voices of sub-continental women writers and records the views and analysis of scholars working in different colleges and universities. Divided into two volumes, the book aims at delineating the position of women in the light of several changes making way. The image of women records a marked change during the last decades-from the portrayal of enduring ...
Niranjan Mohanty belongs to the category of poets who consider poetry as the essence of our emotions and experiences which often take retreat in our sub conscious. Though readers seem to prefer novel to other forms yet poetry writing in English continues ceaselessly. India today has a long line of poets contributing their gems not only to Indian literature but also to World Literature. Poetry lovers often feel the dearth of books which help in the interpretation ...
Since its inception in 19th century, Indian writing in English has coruscated worldwide and the English works of Indian authors have been highly appreciated even by the people of English-speaking nations. Not remaining confined to the restricted gamut of themes and style of olden days, Indian writing in English has made its dent in myriad human concerns at the hands of great number of Indian writing in English has made its dent in myriad human concerns at the ...
Women, the fountain source of beauty and bravery, have proved their mettle in all walks of life. The significance of their immense potential could have been confined to the margins had the world not produced reformers like Mary Woolstonecraft, Simon de Beauvoir, J.S. Mill and the likes of them. The seeds sown by these stalwarts have burgeoned forth a beautiful world to live in. The world today is full of women bringing laurels in every area. But still the rays of ...
Indian English poetry since its inception with several notable pets has come of age with many laurels in its receptacle. Indians nowadays use English with as much subtlety, ease and finesse as others, Indian English poetry today has come of age, no doubt, but with a marked difference. The pioneers of Indian English poetry with their experiments brought an end to aridity. And soon there were clouds that invited rains. The soggy literary Indian earth over the last ...
Diasporic literature is literature with a difference. It is not only a consciousness or an awareness of the other within the other nativist's burden of a backward motion love but also of the verisimilitude to accommodate in a multicultural world. The need to know and understand other worlds has been humans' congenital nature and this can be realized only by the extension of our selves. In fact, all of us are diasporic, thanks to the books of history and ...