Bishnu Raj Upreti

Showing all 8 books
The book entitled ‘Land Agriculture and Agrarian Transformation is a vivid documentation and analysis of the contemporary issues and challenges related to rapid agrarian changes processes of Nepal. This book is first of its kind because it is developed based on the extensive research by the team of senior researchers and scholars. Rural life in contemporary Nepal is more complex than it is described by some scholars on primary relationships and cooperation. ...
Climate change has emerged a central and undeniable issue for nations as its effects are causing environmental damage that triggers enormous human insecurity and conflict around the world. South Asia in particular has been identified as one of the more high risk regions of the world when it comes to climate vhange and its impacts. Though some scholars and policy makers contend there is no concrete evidence of a correliation between climate change and conflict, we ...
In the wake of recent democratic movements in Nepal, Terai-Madhes region has emerged as a hot topic in politics and academia. It is now known not only as an agriculturally fertile, but also a politically contested region. There is a contest for recognition for representation and for redistribution of power to tens of ethnic groups residing in this region.
Whatever the present contentions are people in this region had long been suffering from the ignorance by the ...
This book covers different dimensions of arms proliferation, historical development of arms and weapons, security implications and policy concerns, psychological, social and economic and gender impacts, relationships between proliferation of small arms and human rights violation, role of media in proliferation of small arms, and characteristics of SALW disseminated in Nepal.
Nepal is in the midst of conflict for the past seven years, which has several economic, political, social and developmental implications in Nepal. This book, based on the analysis of social and natural resource conflicts, examines the causes of conflict such as failure to meet social, political, and economic needs of people due to scarcity of resources, corruption, bad governance, changing economic conditions, etc. This book critically looks on the fundamental ...
The Maoist armed conflict which started in February 1996 has challenged the centuries-old feudal socio-cultural and political system and the nation is at a crossroads of fundamental transformation. In the part 10 years of the armed conflict, the state has taken different approaches such as integrated security and development. Killo Sera II. Cordon. Search and Destroy. Creation of a special armed police force, mobilization of military, imposition state of ...