Showing all 4 books
Socio-Economic Development in India reviews the social, economic and demographic features in India. Issue of health statistics, fertility, internal migration, women and development, gender disparities in the educational system, language planning and linguistic diversity have been discussed in this volume. Attention has also been focussed on resource allocation for Indian agriculture. Inspite of recommendations made by several committees and commissions ...
Welfare, Choice and Development: Essays in Honour of Prof. Amartya Sen," reviews the prevalent social, economic and demographic features in India. Such diverse issues as overview of epidemiologic transition, healthcare services, theory of collective choice and welfare, measuring human well-being of the countries: achievements and development indices, post modern response of welfare economics, Sen's sense of development, gender inequality in the education ...
West Bengal Today: A Fresh Look covers the prevalent social, economic and demographic features of the State. Such diverse issues as population growth and its components with special reference to both internal and international migration, agricultural progress and rural development, land reforms, industrialisation and urbanization have been discussed in this volume. Attention has also been focused on small-scale industries, economic problems of Sunderbans, tourism ...
This book reviews the prevalent social, economic and demographic features in India. Diverse issues like internal and international migration, mortality, religious heritage, living conditions of senior citizens, child labour forestry and sustainable development have been discussed in this volume.