Showing all 3 books
The societies of Central Asia are besieged from within and without. The political elites - virtually unchanged despite the transition to independent statehood - battle radical Islamic movements and other oppositional threats that are continuously fueled by economic instability, corruption, environmental deterioration, and the collapse of social services. The heightened U.S. presence in the area, in connection with the military action in Afghanistan, is likely to ...
The economic, political, and geopolitical future of Central Asia has been the subject of much speculation since the region emerged from under the Soviet banner. This book offers systematic, informed analysis of the most important issues and choices facing the region.
Central Asia'S New States Have Been Buffeted By Financial Ill Winds FromEast Asia And Russia And By Islamic Revolutionary Movements From The South. In The Context Of Widespread And Deepening Impoverishment, Endemic Corruption, Gaping Inequalities, And External Pressures To Undertake Difficult Reforms, Economic Crisis Threatens To Expand Into Profoundly Destabilizing Social And Political Crisis As Well. This Volume Analyzes The Geopolitical And Macroeconomic ...