Showing all 2 books
This festschrift for Professor C.T. Indra offers rich and varied fare. It begins naturally with a series of tributes to and reminiscences of Indra by several of her students, colleagues and admirers and modulates into the scholarly world of literary and cultural criticism which Indra has been practising with such distinction for decades now. The tone of these essays ranges from the deeply felt and personal to the most irrepressibly postmodern. The subjects ...
Cultural Interfaces is a collection of twenty papers by international as well as young research scholars engaged in Australian Studies in India. These were presented at the First International Conference of the Indian Association for the Study of Australia (IASA). With contributions from Bruce Bennett, Jennifer Strauss, Dennis Haskell, Satendra Nandan, David Kimber, Fran Siemensma, Parimal Roy and Marianne Robinson, Y. Yagama Reddy and Quentin-Stevenson ...