Bulganin Mitra

Showing all 5 books
The zoological survey of India (ZSI) is a taxonomic research organization, established on 1st July 1916, dedicated itself to exploring and documenting the country’s faunal resources. It was a long felt need to update the faunal data of the Sundarban Biosphere Reserve. This is the first consolidated pictorial document on the fauna of the Indian part of these deltaic mangrove islands, prepared with the latest published information from Protista to Mammalia, ...
The family Syrphidae is divided into 3 sub-families and 15 tribes and contains more than 5,500 described species in the world of which 264 species and 5 sub-species under 62 genera of 2 sub-families are reported from India. The present check-list reports 150 species of 50 genera under 15 tribes belonging to 2 sub-families of Hover Flies from the Eastern Himalayan Region of India.
Handbook on "Flower - visiting Diptera" is the emphasis on the association between the flies and the flowers of the trees, shrubs, herbs, gardens, and medicinal plants. The very reason of structuring this handbook is that the beginner will be able to relate the flowers and the insects together as an integral part of a given ecosystem and biodiversity strategies. The diptera are probably the second most common order of flower--visitors and pollinators ...