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Eurasia was dominated for thousands of years by the dualism of nomadic people and the settled communities of the agrarian civilization. China, Europe, the Middle East, Iran and India were under constant pressure of the riding hordes - invaders like Sakas, the Scythes, the Alans, the Sarmatians, the Hsiung-nu, Huns or Hunas, the Turkish tribes, the Mongols and others. These raids went on from the prehistoric times till the eighth century A.D. From the neolithic ...
Afghanistan has been in the news for some time now. One of the least developed nations in the world, with one of the lowest life expectancy, a phenomenally high inflation at 500% and the largest number of landmines per square kilometer in the world—this country has been in the news for all the wrong reasons. A never ending civil war has seen hundreds of thousand killed and maimed and millions flee to the neighboring countries of Iran and Pakistan. The civil war ...