C K Arora

Showing all 23 books
Methods in Chronic Toxicity Studies; Animal Care and Maintenance; Forensic Toxicology; Clinical toxicology; Neurotoxicological Analyses; Isolated Organ Techniques; Organelles as Tools in Toxicology; Occupational Toxicology; Toxicology and the Law and Pesticides etc. are elaborately discussed in the present volume. The present title has been designed primarily as textbook for courses in toxicology. It provides a thorough systematic introduction to toxicology. It ...
Coagulant and Non-coagulant Fixatives; fixation; Embedding; Processing; section Cutting; frozen Sections; Dyes; Staining procedure and Histological Stains; Haematological techniques; vital Staining; Mounting; smear Preparations, Bacteria, Protozoa and other Parasites etc. are the main topics, dealt in this book. The book will be an authoritative source of information for all the concerned.
This is comprehensively designed title and provides a complete understanding of the theory and methods involving the demonstration of pathogens and minute tissue structures in disease. Since the differences between diseased and normal tissues are often slight, it follows that the majority of the methods involved may be used for both. The methods are dealt completely on a step by step format that will allow the laboratory workers to perform any procedure without ...
The main themes dealt in this book are: Housing; Anaesthesia and Euthanasia; Earthworms; Beetles; Locusts; American Cockroach; The Housefly; freshwater Fish; Marine aquaria; Frogs and Toads; Reptiles; Pigeon; Mouse; Rabbit; Guinea Pig etc. The present volume deals with the habits, behaviour, collection, reproductive biology, care and management of laboratory animals. It is one of the few books that give a practical introduction to the husbandry of laboratory ...
This is a concise laboratory hand book for preparation, micro-analytical estimation and characterization of biological material. It is one of the few books that give practical laboratory methodology. The methods are detailed completely in a step by step format that allows the laboratory workers to perform any procedure without reference to secondary sources. Not only are all reagents specified, but the exact methods of preparation are delineated so that no ...
This book provides important information on Biology of Sex and Reproduction; Sexual Cycles; sexual Behaviour; Copulatory interaction; Care of the Embryo; Breeding in Rats and Mice; Breeding in Rabbits; Breeding in Dogs; Breeding in Cats; Breeding in Guinea Pigs; Breeding in Primates; Teratology Test Methods for Laboratory Animals etc. It is one of the few books that give a practical introduction of the husbandry of laboratory animals for use both by research ...
The analytical equipment used in both teaching and research in the biological and medical sciences is becoming increasingly sophisticated. Undergraduate and postgraduate students now encounter a wide variety of instruments. But many students approach the equipments. But many students approach the equipment with a “black box†mentality, using instruments to make measurement, but without understanding the physical and chemical ...
Culture of Protozoa; Culture of Sponges; Culture of Hydras; Culture of Planaria; Culture of Nereis; Culture of Daphnia; Shrimp Culture; Lobster Culture; culture of Freshwater Crayfish; Oyster Culture; Culture of the Indian Carps; Culture of Catfishes Native to Australasia and Europe; Frog Culture; Culture of tilapia; Culture of true Eels (Anguilla spp.); Commercial Culture of Freshwater Salmonids etc. are the topics, discussed in a scientific way in this volume. ...
"The present title will serve as the perfect reference for all aspects of basic aviculture as it includes detailed notes on housing, feeding, breeding and instructions for rearing by hand for a number of species and sub species. The book enshrines a conscientious approach to bird husbandry and throughout encourage conservation through the learning of aviculture skills. It's responsible attitude to the subject it carefully defines the areas within which one ...
This book, in two parts contains highly informative material on History of Endocrinology; Mechanism of Hormone Action; Pituitary; Abnormalities due to Pituitary Hormones; The Thyroid Gland; Thyroid Disease; The Parathyroid Glands; Abnormalities due to Parathyroid.Part II of the book is devoted to Adrenal Gland; Adrenal Diseases; Hormones of Kidney; The Pancreatic Islets; Pancreatic Disease; The Testes; Hypogonadism; Reproduction in the Female; The Endocrinology ...
This book contains the scientific analysis of Lipid Metabolism; Proteins; Proteins Metabolism; Protein Synthesis; Carbohydrates; Bioenergetics; Glycolysis; Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle and Aerobic Metabolism; and Electron Transfer and Oxidative phosphorylation. Students in biological, medical and health oriented programmes will find this as most useful and informative. The students aiming for a career as a nurse, medical assistant, physician’s assistant, medical ...
This book contains Gastrointestinal System; Digestion; Digestion; Chemical digestion; Role of Stomach in Digestion; Digestion in the Intestine; Digestion in Some vertebrate. Students in biological, medical and health oriented programmes will find this as most useful and informative. The students aiming for a career as a nurse, medical assistant, physician’s assistant, medical laboratory technologist, radiologist, inhalation therapist, dental hygienist, and ...
This book contains Physiology of food & Feeding; Energy; Minerals; Vitamins; Feeding; Enzymes; nutrition in Protozoa.Students in biological, medical and health oriented programmes will find this as most useful and informative. The students aiming for a career as a nurse, medical assistant, physician’s assistant, medical laboratory technologist, radiologist, inhalation therapist, dental hygienist, and physical therapist, will find this book as vade-mecum.
This book contains the scientific analysis of Lipid Metabolism; Proteins; Proteins Metabolism; Protein Synthesis; Carbohydrates; Bioenergetics; Glycolysis; Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle and Aerobic Metabolism; and Electron Transfer and Oxidative phosphorylation.Students in biological, medical and health oriented programmes will find this as most useful and informative. The students aiming for a career as a nurse, medical assistant, physician’s assistant, medical ...
This book contains Defensive Physiology; lymphoid Organs; B and T Lymphocytes; How Cells Make Antibodies; Genes and Receptors; Tolerance of Immunity; Antigen-Antibody reactions; The Structure of Antibodies; Structure and Function of Antibodies; immunity and Infectious Disease; neuro-Immunology; Autoimmunity; and Immuno-Pathology.Students in biological, medical and health oriented programmes will find this as most useful and informative. The students aiming for a ...
This book contains scientific discussion of Physiology of Excretion; Structure of Kidney; Glomerular Filtration; Kidney Disease; Osmotic and Ionic Regulation in Arthropoda; Nitrogenous Excretion in Insects; Excretion in Annelida.Students in biological, medical and health oriented programmes will find this as most useful and informative. The students aiming for a career as a nurse, medical assistant, physician’s assistant, medical laboratory technologist, ...
This book elaborately discuses Receptors; Conduction of the Nervous Impulse; receptors in Arthropods; The Special Senses; Some Common Eye Diseases; compound Eye; Eyes in different Vertebrates; The Ear. Students in biological, medical and health oriented programmes will find this as most useful and informative. The students aiming for a career as a nurse, medical assistant, physician’s assistant, medical laboratory technologist, radiologist, inhalation ...
This book contains the Blood; The Lymph & Tissue Fluids; Blood-forming Tissues; Erythrocytic Production and Destruction; hormones involved in erythropoietin ; Phagocytes; The Production of Leukocytes; Lymphocytopoiesis; Formation of Monocytes and Macrophages; Thrombocyopoiesis; Blood Groups; Haematological diseases. Book as vade-mecum.Students in biological, medical and health oriented programmes will find this as most useful and informative. The students ...
This book elaborately discusses Brain; the Spinal cord; Craniospinal Nervous Pathways; Cranial Nerves; Physiology of Nervous System; Reflexes; Neurophysiology & Disorders; Sensation; Disorders. Students in biological, medical and health oriented programmes will find this as most useful and informative. The students aiming for a career as a nurse, medical assistant, physician’s assistant, medical laboratory technologist, radiologist, inhalation therapist, ...
This book contains Physiology of Circulation; Circulatory vessels; Blood Circuits; Circulation in Chordates; Circulation in Invertebrates.Students in biological, medical and health oriented programmes will find this as most useful and informative. The students aiming for a career as a nurse, medical assistant, physician’s assistant, medical laboratory technologist, radiologist, inhalation therapist, dental hygienist, and physical therapist, will find this book ...
This book contains scientific discussion of Physiology of Excretion; Structure of Kidney; Glomerular Filtration; Kidney Disease; Osmotic and Ionic Regulation in Arthropoda; Nitrogenous Excretion in Insects; Excretion in Annelida.Students in biological, medical and health oriented programmes will find this as most useful and informative. The students aiming for a career as a nurse, medical assistant, physician’s assistant, medical laboratory technologist, ...
The present title has been designed for those having a fundamental grasp of elementary anatomy, histology, cell physiology, and the basic principles of biochemistry, but have little or no experience in tissue culture. It is intended as an introduction to the theory of the technique and biology of cultured cells as well as a practical step guide to procedures, and should be of value to any one without any, or with little, prior experience in tissue culture. The ...
The present third revised and enlarged edition of the A Textbook of Animal Behaviour consists of twenty chapters, covering syllabus of B.Sc., B.Sc. (Hons) and M.Sc. students of different Indian Universities. The text is revised and updated in the light of recent researches and developments in the field. Illustrations and diagrams are given to support the text. Some new chapters have been added.This book is meant to introduce students at advanced schools and ...