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Education begins at birth and continues throughout life. It is constant and ongoing. It develops manpower for different levels of economy and empowers the poor masses to become self-reliant enough to participate, in the process of national development. Adults have to play various 'inevitable roles' in their life and they must learn to cope with them as they arise. Adult education agencies should gear their marketing and instructional activities to cater for the ...
Distance education has taken systematic teaching-learning process to persons living in isolated areas where facilities for the traditional form of classroom teaching cannot be developed. It addresses the needs of specific target groups, there is a great variation in the range of programmes offered. The basic characteristics of distance education are spatial separation of the teacher from the learner, an age-heterogeneous learner group, easy availability, and ...
The World Declaration on Education For All (EFA), 1990, adopted in Jomtien together with several positive developments within the country brought to the centre-stage the need for viewing education as a fundamental right of every children. Though the progress made is not insignificant, the country realises that the challenges ahead at the turn of the century are quite daunting, demanding not only continued commitment but also an enhanced attention and resources to ...
The term human rights education has been coined to denote a specialized branch of education which has been mushrooming in the past decade, prompted by the profound change which human rights movements around the world had instigated and which led to the United Nations Decade for Human Rights Education (1995-2004). Although the United Nations have recommended that human rights education start at primary school, it is usually confined to the upper part of the ...
Education includes all factors which can develop the physical, mental, moral, cultural and spiritual aspects of human personality. It should enable man to be the least dependent on others. When it is said that ideas in the form of behaviour dispositions should become part and parcel of our life. This book is an authentic veritable mine of information on diverse aspects of basic education. It will prove a highly beneficial reference tool to scholars, authors, ...