C L Khatri

Showing all 7 books
Assuming the role of the absolute sovereigns of the half-world, women writers have strongly articulated their struggle for liberation and self-assertion through their inherent art of story telling. with their independent identity and creative zeal women writers have ushered into a new ear of glory and gusto. The whole gamut of Indian literature in English would be incomplete if the contribution of women writers is not considered duly.
The present anthology has ...
This anthology is a collection of twenty two perceptive articles on the major Indian writers in English. It records the contribution of Indian literature in English to the world literature in all four genres-novel, poetry, drama and non-fiction prose. The writers concerns range from the thematic to the stylistic, the colonial to the post-colonial, and the historical to the social. Most of the papers are focussed on individual writers or individual works. However ...
Girish Karnad (1938), is a prolific playwright who has enriched the Indian drama by virtue of his dramatic genius. By making his drama contemporarily relevant, he has got success in creating a national theatre for India. Being an actor, playwright, writer, movie director, scriptwriter and translator, he has become a multidimensional personality. His originality as a dramatist lies in his extraordinary skill of using myth, history and folktale to make the drama ...
The present book Narrative Noodles: Essays on Indian Novels in English is a collection of twenty three essays written at different times with different perspectives in mind for journals and anthologies. The first chapters is a synoptic study of trends, issues and the limitations of Indian Novel in English. It raises several pertinent questions about nomenclature, nature, scope and major concerns. The essays are focused mainly on individual novels that range from ...