C.L. Wadhwa

Showing all 12 books
Electrical Engineering has been written as a core course for all engineering students viz. Electronics and Communication, Computer Engineering, Civil, Mechanical Engineering etc. Since this course will normally be offered at the first year level of engineering, the author has made modest effort to give in a concise form various features of Electrical Engineering using simple language and through solved examples avoiding the rigorous of mathematics.
This book has been designed as a basic text for undergraduate students of all engineering disciplines.
In a systematic and friendly manner the book explains various analytical techniques with simple description and illustrations. A large number of solved problems are included in each chapter for an easier understanding of the concepts and techniques.
Salient features
Source transformations and network reduction techniques explained
Magnetic circuits fundamentals ...
In a clear and systematic manner, this book presents an exhaustive exposition of the various dimensions of electrical power systems. Both basic and advanced topics have been thoroughly explained and illustrated through solved examples.
Salient features
Fundamentals of power systems, line constant calculations and performance of overhead lines have been discussed
Mechanical design of lines, HVDC lines, Corona, Insulators and Insulated cables have been explained ...
This book has been designed as a basic text for undergraduate students of Electrical, Electronics and Communication and Computer Engineering.
In a systematic and friendly manner, the book explains not only the fundamental concepts like circuit elements, Kirchhoff's laws, network equations and resonance, but also the relatively advanced topics like state-variable analysis, modern filters, active RC filters and sensitivity considerations.
Salient Features :
Network ...
This book has been designed as a basic text for undergraduate students of electrical, electronics and communication and computer engineering. In a systematic and friendly manner, the book explains not only the fundamental concepts like circuit elements, Kirchhoff`s laws, network equations and resonance, but also the relatively advanced topics like state variable analysis, modern filters, active RC filters and sensitivity considerations.
Salient features
Basic ...
This book has been written as a core course for undergraduate students of Electronics and Communication, and related branches of Engineering of JNTU.
Basic Electrical Engineering has been written as a core course for all engineering students viz. electronics and communication engineering, computer engineering, civil engineering, mechanical engineering etc. Since this course will normally be offered at the first year level of engineering, the author has made modest effort to give in a concise form, various features of Basic Electrical Engineering using simple language and through solved examples, avoiding the ...
The book provides a clear, systematic and exhaustive exposition of various dimensions of High Voltage Engineering. Generation of a.c., d.c. and impulse voltage for testing of electrical equipments as per standard specifications have been explained. High voltage testing of some of the electrical equipments e.g. insulators, cables, transformers as per standard specifications has been explained. Various methods of non-destructive testing which yield information ...
Electrical Engineering has been written as a core course for all engineering students viz., Electronics and Communication Engineering, Computer Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering etc. Since this course will normally be offered at the first year level of engineering, the author has made modest effort to give in a concise form, various features of Electrical Engineering using simple language, and through solved examples, avoiding the rigorous of ...
Electrical Power Systems together with Generation, Distribution and Utilization of Electrical Energy by the same author cover almost six to seven courses offered by various universities under Electrical and Electronics Engineering curriculum. Also, this combination has proved highly successful for writing competitive examinations viz. UPSC, NTPC, National Power Grid, NHPC, etc.
In a clear and systematic manner, this book presents an exhaustive exposition of the ...
In a clear and systematic manner, this book presents an exhaustive exposition of the various dimensions of electrical power systems. Both basic and advanced topics have been thoroughly explained and illustrated through solved examples. Important features of the book: Fundamentals of power systems, line constant calculations and performance of overhead lines have been discussed. Mechanical design of lines, HVDC lines, Corona, Insulators and Insulated cables have ...