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Indian economy has undergone a dynamic and multiple change specially after the independence. We have adopted economic planning for the development of the country since 1951. The different sectors of the economy has developed under different plans to attain the balanced regional development. It has enlarged the economy to deal with different problems namely eradication of poverty, to reduce unemployment to reduce in equalities of income and wealth. The different ...
Researches in any discipline are based on appropriate methodology and the quality of research is judged on the basis of its methodology. The present book is an effort to provide the basic tenants of methodological research to make researchers familiar with various tools and techniques of research.The book deals with several quantitative methods which are generally used by researchers in social sciences. Various aspects of Research Methodology with quantitative ...
The book explains various labour legislations in India with the specific attention to industrial disputes, trade unions, labour welfare, social securities, women workers, workmen’s compensation etc. The book also deals with Employee’s State Insurance Act, 1948, I.L.O. and Labour Legislations, Social Securities, women and labour welfare and management information system in relation to personnel management.
The book deals with the history of economic ideas. Mercantilism, Physiocracy, the Classical school-Adam Smith, Malthus, David Ricardo and J.S. Mill; Historical school of thought; the Socialist school of thought-Karl Marx; Austraian School-Wieser, Bohm Bawerk, Wicksell, Alfred Marshall, J.M. Keynes and the contributors to the history of Indian economic though have been critically analysed in the book. this book reveals the economic and political contributions of ...
The book deals with the various parts of micro economic theory. The ordinal approach to utility based on Indifference curve analysis has been discussed. Production function dealing with short run and long run operation of the laws and returns and returns to scale have been analysed. Price and output determination under various market structures have been described. The various theories of factor pricing-Rent, Wages, Interest and Profit have been discussed. The ...
The book deals with the various parts of micro economic theory. The ordinal approach to utility based on indifference curve analysis has been discussed. Production function dealing with short run and long run operation of the laws of returns and returns to scale have been analysed. Price and output determination under various market structures have been described. The National Income analysis has been analysed with the relationship between the National Income and ...
History of economic thoughts deals with the theories of development starting from the mercantalisian to the Keynesian Economics. The pre-conditions for development, obstacles to development and theories and practice of development have been described in the book. The book provides a bird's eye view on the economics of development. The book is useful to the students, academicians, formulators and implementors of policies relating to development both in developed ...
The state regulation in all the sectors of the economies has become the order of the day. The government formulates and implements various economic policies to attain the socio-economic and political objectives. The book has described the objectives and implementation of various economic policies in India with a critical assessment. The book provides a bird's eye view on the various economic polices. The book is useful to students, academicians, administrators ...