This book lists 230 medicinal plants and gives in brief the family and pharmacology of each plant.
The available information concerning drugs and medicinal plants in Europe and India are scattered through a large number of books and periodicals in various languages as well as official documents, which have only a very limited circulation.The author now presented to the public, have endeavoured to collect and verify this information. British flora and Indian floras have been scrutinised and common plants in usage in Ayurvedic Medicine is recorded. Plant species ...
India is a subcontinent having large coastal areas, hills and mountain, flat land with several rivers like Indus, Ganges, Tawi, Cauvery and Narmada flowing into its vast area. Here we have varied temperature complex-Temperate regions in Himalayas with warm tropical areas inj flat lands of U.P., M.P., Maharashtra, Karnataka etc. Therefore here we see plants of various types. The medicinal plants are sources of many biologically active ...
The Study of plant-life and medicine is closely related. Its genesis may be traced in various verses of the Rg-veda which culminated in the monumental treatises of Charaka and Susruta. These ancient works record innumerable applications of herbs as medicines in as much it deals exhaustively with their application in diseases and the preparation of drugs. In the present book the author had tried to trace the origin of some of the most important drug plants and ...