C. Rajendran

Showing all 8 books
Papers presented at the International Seminar on Narratology, held at Calicut University during 22-23 February 2005.
Intensive cultivation of agricultural and horticultural crops to cope with the demand of increasing population has led to occurrence of micronutrient deficiencies. The book elucidates the classification and function of plant nutrients, diagnosis of plant nutrient deficiencies, physiological disorders, remedial measures and foliar nutrition for appreciation and practice in farming system. Taking into account the fertilizer responsiveness of high yielding varieties ...
The term contemporary theatre is used in the present context in a broad sense to include not only classical art forms like Kathakali and Kutiyattam, but even modern experimental threatre. Natyasastra, ascribed to the mythical Bharata, is encyclopedic in its scope and range. Its authorship, date, and even textual details may be problematic. But there can be no denying of the fact that it represents an Indian attempt to give shape to its own theatrical philosophy ...
Comparative poetics opens up exciting avenues in our perceptions as we see the same basic issues addressed to from different angles by thinkers separated by time and space, but often speaking in the same language. Here divergence of views is as important as convergence since both help us to understand given cultures better. The present work, with its comprehensiveness and openness of approach retrieves much of the valuable insights of Indian tradition my putting ...
This monograph incorporates the results of the research work undertaken by the present author under the U.G.C. Scheme entitled 'The staging of Sanskrit Drama-A study with special reference to Kutiyattam' (1982-84). It attempts to investigate the basic features of Kutiyattam, the medieval Sanskrit theatre of Kerala in the light of Natyasastra, the authentic work on Sanskrit dramaturgy which represents the conventions followed in ancient India in the ...
A concerned effort is made in this work to interpret ancient knowledge enshrined in Sanskrit using interdisciplinary tools so as to bridge the gap between tradition and the contemporary world. Professor Rajendran here explores several fascinating topics like the story of the migration of ancient indian literature and culture to the outside world and the wide linguistic spectrum of ancient India through his well-documented studies which included Indian ...
The Papers collected in the preset volume are representative of the wide range of scholarship of one of the most perceptive researchers of recent times. The collection includes interesting articles like "Dhvani Theory: A Post-structural Perspective', 'Music and Musical Instruments in Natya Sastra', and 'Democratic elements in the polity of Ancient India', in addition to several papers related to Sanskrit Poetics and Linguistics.
There is no dearth of books written on Indian Philosophy down the years and yet another addition to this field may call forth some explanation. To put it in a nutshell, it is the sheer magnitude of the problems discussed in Indian Philosophy as well as the ever-widening perceptions of it in the scholarly world which prompted us to organize an eight-day seminar on Contemporary Approaches to Indian Philosophy and to make the proceedings available to the ...