Showing all 7 books
The authors Hugh and Colleen Gantzer have been travelling around India for over forty years. They launched India's first travel column in a national daily, hosted lifty two weekly episodes of India's first travel scripts for dot.coms and won several national and international awards.
Intriguing India is a four volume series. The Alluring North and The Vibrant West are the winners of the National Thurism Award for Excellence, 2011 -2012.
Intensively researched and ...
Harry Potter’s Hogwarts is a magical place. But it’s an unreal one: it does not exist. Hugh and Colleen Gantzer have discovered magical places in India that are real and accessible.
What is the origin of the fear that a monster lies beneath the surface of the high, blue, lake of Pangong Tso? Who was the Englishman who carved out his own kingdom in the Himalayas? What gourmet dish was created by a ruler to feed his famished subjects? What is the epic ...
The year is 1946, and the sun is about to set on the British Empire in India. Even as widespread unrest and communal violence break out all over the country, sixteen-year-old Philip Brandon, spending his winter vacations in the sleepy little town of Lakhbagan, grapples with his amorous yearnings while questioning what he wants out of life, and confronting his doubts and fears about his future in the new India. In the midst of boisterous parties and furtive dates, ...