Showing all 3 books
This book consists of essays based on papers presented at the fifth International conference of the Association for the study of Australasia in Asia (ASAA) organised in collaboration with Osmania University Centre for Internatioal Programmes(OUCIP), Hyderabad in Dec 2011. It offers wide-ranging perspectives on the Complex phenomenon of Globalisation which is explored from a variety of standpoints by contributors drawn from different countries. As the contributors ...
This is the fourth volume in the series of Australian–Asian Association publications and carries on the interdisciplinary and international tradition of the same. The intensely provocative theme of ‘change’ is traced through motifs of convergence or conflict across a multiplicity of disciplines. The volume has attracted contributions from some of the best-known authorities in their different fields. The papers cover subjects ranging ...
The perennially engaging theme of diaspora has acquired an increasing, even an alarming, resonance in the contemporary world. This collection of writings from Australia, New Zealand, India and Singapore straddles disciplines ranging from Literature, Media, and the Social Sciences to Computing and Library Studies. It is aerated also with insightful contributions from creative artists. The varied issues are probed with unusual depth and perspicacity, partly because ...