Showing all 4 books
The journey of communication even from the prehistoric phases has so far been full of revolutions, plataeuing and resurrections. The non human communication has also been Sanskritzed with human lives through taming and domestication of wild and undescript animals. This is a beginning and pro-human communication goes on evolving in both text and approach. It is now a blend of traditional and electronic communication that has entered the rural social system in ...
Every moment innovations are cropping up by myriad of counts and diverse of destinations but the question is how to drive these innovations splendidly tuned with micro level needs and this is specially true whenever World Agriculture is throbbing with quality issues and agenda. The concept of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) has been overwhelmingly titled to implant more and more values with the more and more production. Innovative agriculture management with ...
Monitoring and Evaluation Process are the most overlooked and ignored part of development programmes in spite of their high relevance. In each and every walk of life in general and every walk of life in general and development programme in particular they are considered as most important function for all the organizations to improve their performances. The book encompasses Six Chapters dealing with Basics of Monitoring and Evaluation, Concepts and Categories; ...