D.D. Aggarwal

Showing all 13 books
India is one of the oldest civilizations in the world with a kaleidoscopic variety and rich cultural heritage. It has achieved all-round socio-economic progress during the last 67 years of its Independence. In the context of the Indian Constitution, local government bodies are the subject of the State List and are thereby governed by State Statutes, or in the case of Union Territories, by the Union Parliament.
This book deals with issues of modernization, ...
Even after fifty five years of India’s independence the goal of universal elementary education has not been achieved so far. About 10 million children of school going age are not attending elementary schools due to poverty and ill health even today. Mahatma Gandhi, who propounded basic education had given the idea of compulsory free education for the age group of 6 to 14 way back in 1937. Dr. Zakir Hussain, who later became the President of the republic of ...
The theme of various Upanishadas is derived from Vedas in the form of discussion amongst various rishis to make it more convincing and intelligible to the general public on the subject leading to emancipation. There is a way of reaching the almighty or attaining salvation through Bhakti’ as in Ramayana, Mahabharata, etc., but our earlier granthas like Vedas and Upanishadas speak of reaching Him by ‘Gyan’ For this purpose, the necessary requirements are ...
The book 'Jurisprudence in India: Through the Ages', us another link in the attempt made by the writer in tracing the modern systems-administrative, political, religious, spiritual, social and legal-available in our ancient times and which have been lost sight of with the passage of time, particularly because of over 600 years of Mohammedan rule followed by British rule. In his books 'Protocol in Ramcharitmanas' and ‘Protocol in Srimad Bhagawat' the modern ...
Mahabharata is a comprehensive Puran, projecting all aspects of human life – spiritual political, administrative and social – as these existed in ancient period. This book Protocol in Mahabharata compares the same with the prevailing aspects in modern times. Spiritual protocol indicates protocol within Gods, seniority in Gods, God-beings relations; political protocol indicates the duties of a raja in war and peace, his relation with the subjects and other ...
Secondary education is considered to be the most important segment of an individual's learning. The present set in three volumes traces the History and Development of Secondary Education in India in an elegant style emphasizing the role of secondary education. This set also includes the reports of various educational commissions and their recommendations. This set will be useful for education students, education planners, teachers, principals and others employed ...
Education performs the social functions of a society. It is vitally linked to the needs and aspirations of a society. In view of this education can not remain immune to social developments. It is for the reason that the technological development are directly and indirectly influencing the objectives and the methodology of education now. The use of radio, television, computers, machines, films and now internet and multimedia, for delivering the educational ...
It is now universally recognized that the facts of geography shed light on the understanding of history. In the case of the ancient Greeks a knowledge of the peculiarities of their land and climate is also lately indispensable. It is especially note worthy that Greek culture and education were of purely humanistic origin. All the varied forms of art in which their genius revealed had their beginnings in the simple and spontaneous activities of gifted childhood. ...
It is not sufficient to provide some education to the citizens in a democracy. In the modern technological world quality education has become a necessity. Governments all over the world are appointing committees and commissions to bring in excellence in education. Curricular are being revised and improved to include more and more relevant knowledge in the curricula of schools and colleges.
The Government of India in order to plan develop and oversee higher education created an Agency by the name of university Grants Commission. The University Grants Commission has been a funding agency for the development of Colleges and universities. The fact that India ahs an infrastructure of education which is third in the world has to give credit to the university Grants Commission for its expansion and development. Similarly, the Government of India developed ...
The future of distance education will remain bright for quite a long time. In view of the fact that there are many people who have both financial as well as physical difficulties in getting education through regular means, they need some agency to provide them education and to provide them equal opportunity for advancement in life. In a country like India the future of distance education is full of hopes and aspirations for the rural poor, scheduled castes, ...
The mode of distance education started with the correspondence courses in which learning material was sent to the students and learners by post. But this method proved to be very costly and delays occurred in delivering the learning material so another mode of distance education was found to be of the radio. The radio started in countries both developed and the developing began to devote some time to the education of learners. The university Grants Commission of ...
In the developed word the percentage of literacy is very high since long but due to change in methods of production and the increase in the quantum of knowledge in the world has made it very necessary that workers are acquainted with the latest developments in the field of industry and work. For this purpose it has been felt that there is a great need for distance education. In the developing world the percentage of literary is quite low and the developing ...