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The most dangerour of these potential spoilers are Islamic militants who have historically been nurtured by the Pakistani military to fight a civert war over Kashmir and may feel threatened by any indication the goverment is cosying up to India. Suspicion about the intentions of the Pakistan Army's generals still runs high in New Delhi over it perceived history of using violence directly or through proxies to sabotage outreach to India by civilian leaders. But ...
The disputed territories between China and India are located at a no-man's land, where nothing grows and no one lives, on high altitude Himalayas, one of the most barren regions of the world. For centuries, the Himalayas was the focal point of military and political maneuvers between the three empires, the Russians in the north, the British on the subcontinent and the Chainese over the other side of the Himalayas. A constant and basic British aim was to keep the ...