Showing all 5 books
Development and Public Finance is a commemorative volume on late Dr Raja J. Chelliah, one of the foremost Public Finance experts of India. It is designed as a compendium of essays on contemporary issues of Public Finance and Development, focusing on the rapidly globalizing Indian economy. Well-known scholars and experts have contributed insightful articles to this collection.
All contributions have been exclusively invited for this publication. They represent a ...
The Finance Commission is the key institutional arrangement that has guided the functioning of fiscal federalism in India. Given the large differences in fiscal capacities and service standards across states, Rangarajan and Srivastava discuss the theoretical foundations and practical relevance of the design of fiscal transfers.Focusing on the evolution of fiscal federalism in India, the essays engage with a wide array of inter-related issues including: Guiding ...
In spite of extensive fiscal reforms undertaken during the nineties, India’s public finance face numerous problems. While the taxation system remains distortionary and fragmented, government expenditures remain inefficient in providing public and merit goods to the desired extent. Vertical imbalance and horizontal disparities characterize the federal fiscal system. The fiscal reform years have witnessed a sharp rise in the fiscal imbalance and deterioration in ...
State level economic reforms constitute part and parcel of the new economic policy, i.e. liberalization, privatization and globalisation. The economic reforms were introduced in India since July 1991. In course of time, state governments have also initiated economic reforms. The important objectives of state level reforms comprise fiscal consolidation consistent with macro-economic stability, development with a human face, reduction of fiscal deficits, and ...