D Kumar

Showing all 17 books
It was perceived that there was scarcity of a good book on “Vertebrate Zoology and Evolution” for the students of Hons. and Post-Graduate classes of Indian Universities. This book has been written in such a way that in addition to the fundamentals, other important aspects have also been covered so far. Descriptions from Cyclostomes to Mammals in the vertebrate series, and, selected Topics in Evolution have been incorporated in this book, which are ...
Agribusiness is an emerging issue in the filed of agriculture. Since this is new subject in agriculture, availability of the standard reading material in this subject is lacking. This book is designed to cater the need of the students of the agribusiness management of various universities and institutes like IIM, MANAGE, NIAM, NIRD etc. entrepreneurship and agri-business is also taught as a part of the syllabus of the post graduate and Ph.D. students of extension ...
Climate change reflects abnormal variations to the expected climate within the Earth's atmosphere and subsequent effects on other parts of the Earth. Climate change poses a serious threat to human development and prosperity, with implications for water and food security, coastal infrastructure human health biodiversity migration global trade and security.
The collection of papers and articles presented in this two volume set on Climate Economics attempts to ...
Moth bean is an important crop for arid areas. It has multi-uses and adapted to extremes of uncongenial ecological niches particularly, in areas receiving less rains with erratic distribution. The crop is credited with a number of adaptive morpho-physiological features. It however, requires genetic improvement in respect of efficient plant types, agronomic improvement, plant protection cares. There is also need on assessment of genetic resources available, ...
In the present compilation, an attempt has been made to collect and condense the vast published literature from a large number of journals of national and international repute, covering almost a quarter of century (1965-1990). The literature in the complete bibliographic form has been presented by incorporating 2085 abstracts on 12 important pulse legumes (bean, bengal gram, black gram, broad bean, cowpea, lens, moth bean, mung bean, pea, pigeon pea and soy bean) ...
Cowpea an important food legume, is adapted to wide ranges of soil and rainfall situations, hence, cultivated in tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world. It is the crop of low and high rainfall regions, grown particularly as a mixed/inter crop for various purposes. Cowpea is an ancient source of food, forage, fodder, vegetable, certain snacks, cover crop and an important component of cropping system. The crop has been investigated for its varied and the ...
Photo and thermo-sensive nature of horsegram is biggest barrier in hampering expansion of its area, consequenting in poor adoption of promising strains across the zones an seasons. Research efforts attempted do not match with its large acreage, great social needs and uses in many ways. Thus, concerted efforts on initial technological advancements in horsegram are quite slow, available research information. It is thus, desired that efforts are initiated to ...
To globalize means to make worldwide in scope or application. Globalization can greatly enhance the role of agriculture as an engine of grow in low-income countries by making it possible for agriculture to growth considerably faster than domestic consumption. It reduces the trade barriers and unfair competition is disciplined, free trade is expected to take place for many commodities. It would effect agricultural production, change efficiencies and influence ...
Proponents for FDI opined that foreign investment would help in improving the retail and supply chain infrastructure, and generate large-scale employment in the country. In addition, the Indian retailers could absorb some of the best operational practices of these international retailers and gain in experience. Ultimately, the consumers would benefit due to the availability of more product offerings, lower prices and efficient service. Those who opposed FDI ...