Showing all 4 books
It is a work which will be of interest to the layman and scholar alike since it surveys the process by which Buddhism travelled from the land of its birth to Central Asia, China, Korea and Japan. It tells the fascinating story of numerous Buddhist scholars, who travelled thousands of miles across the continent, sometimes over completely uncharted terrain, to carry Buddhist teachings to the farthest corners of Asia. The work describes the interaction of Buddhism ...
It is fortunate that so able a scholar as Dr. Singhal has made this latest study of British policy on the north-west frontier of India. The book gives what may fairly be considered as a definitive account of the emergence, during the formative years between the Second Afghan War and the Anglo-Russian accord of 1907…It is based on substantially all of the useful original sources, public and private, that have survived from the period treated, with due reference, ...
Nationalism in India has a distinctive character an understanding of which is necessary for all students of Asian history. Indian nationalism has absorbed freely from western experience but essentially it remains rooted in indigenous culture and tradition. The present work seeks to analyse this complex phenomenon and also focuses attention on some of the other vital problems that confront modern India. The topics range from cultural intercourse between India and ...