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In this Third Series of Zen Essay I have tried to trace the relationship which exists between Zen and the two chief Mahayana sutras, the Gandavyuha and the Prajnaparamita, and then the transformation through which Indian Buddhism had to go while adapting itself to Chinese psychology. The Chinese are a practical people quite different from the Indian Buddhism had to go while adapting itself to Chinese psychology. The Chinese are a practical people quite different ...
Zen Buddhism is a unique school of spiritual development which uses many systems of philosophy, psychology and ethics in the course of its own technique of 'Sudden Enlightenment'.
This volume contains the Second Series of the author’s famous Essays in Zen Buddhism, including those on the Koan, the Secret Message of Bodhidharma, and Passivity in the Buddhist Life.
In this Second Series of Zen Essays, the chief stress has been placed on the study of ...
Zen Buddhism is a unique school of spiritual development using many systems of philosophy, psychology and ethics in the course of its own technique of 'Sudden Enlightenment'.
In this first volume of Essays in Zen Buddhism, the opening chapters are concerned with Zen as the Chinese interpretation of the Doctrine of Enlightenment; Enlightenment and ignorance and the history of Zen Buddhism in China up to the time of the Sixth Patriarch, Huineng, who gave shape to ...
The little Lankavatara might mean `entering Lanka (perhaps referring to the temporary Mahayana period of Ceylon), suggestion that the doctrines of this scripture are possibly consistent with earlier Buddhism preserved in the Pali language.