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Mahatma Gandhi an apostle of non violence has set certain standards for humanity to live a peaceful life. He is a role model to many international personalities who achieved fame by following the peaceful methods set by him. His way of life is an example to many people in India and even today we find people following Gandhian methods in all spheres of life. Even in journalism Gandhi specifically set certain principles and objectives for journalists. Though he ...
We ventured to write the present book only to help students in the discipline of journalism. When we were students of journalism, we were facing a difficult task of procuring books on development journalism written by Indian authors. The role of newspapers is increasingly becoming important with the growth of multi-editions of newspapers and satellite channels, and India as a developing country is at crossroads in the arena of development facing multiple problems ...
Much of the emphasis in journalism is found in human interest stories and one criticism voiced very often is that the steel frame of economic development and development in general is neglected by the fourth estate. This focused publication attempts to answer this criticism by defining and describing the design and purpose of Developmental Journalism. Students and practising journalists as well as other newspersons will find the material presented here of ...
Gandhian journalism began in India nearly 140 years after the first newspaper was started by a European, James Augustus Hickey in 1780. Since then, very few publications came into existence, which were launched both by the Britishers and Indians. Prominent among them were Rajarammohan Roy's Sambad-kaumadi which was launched in 1822 while Fardoonji Murzban started the Vernacular newspapers in Gujarati, Bombay Samachar in the same year. It was interesting to ...
The purpose of development journalism is to educate and inform the citizen about the development issues and thereby make him//her participated in the national development. Since majority of the population in the third world countries are illiterate, the newspapers as public educator can take up issues that are of immediate concern to the citizens. Newspapers have a two-step function: First, newspapers select certain events to attract the attention of the ...