'Rasamritam' is a most important and popular text of Rasasastra written by Late vaidya Sri Yadavaji Trikamaji-Acarya of Bombay in 20th century A.D. Sri Yadavaji has written it in the light of modern scientific knowledge and had made it most useful as a text and reference book of Rasasastra for the students, the vaidyas and the modern scholars by indulging necessary Ayurvedic as well as modern scientific knowledge in it and also the contemporary ...
The book entitled "Rasa Sastra" is an unique combination of ancient and contemporary wisdom. At one side it is depicting ancient wisdom of 5 A.D. to 19 A.D. means (in other words) references of the subject content from Rasendra Mangal to Rasa Tarangini have been quoted as and when it has been considered necessary. However, 3-4 classical books have been referred frequently and prominently. On other side contents of contemporary sciences such as geology ...