Debashree Mukherjee

Showing all 11 books
Information and communication technology has changed the way of perceiving things and acting in the modern way. With the infiltration of information and communication technology in perhaps every sphere of the human domain its impact is ideally manifested in all angles of perceptions and in most cases the perceptions tend to provide us with a positive feedback. One of the core areas where information and communication technology has made a profound impact is the ...
This gives an overview of the hand-loom and handicrafts sector India and the constraints faced by the sector and also tries to focus on the initiatives that are being taken to revive and preserve the cultural heritage of this Indian industry. Also highlights the major hand-loom and handicrafts of India and the contribution of particular states to conserve this rich heritage.
The book ‘Air Pollution and Health’ focuses on the study of the sources of air pollutants and discusses the impact of air pollution on human health. The complete volume seeks to describe the sources of air pollution and its actual or likely impacts on health, and how human societies and their governments should respond, with particular focus on the health sector. As air pollution is a global issue affecting the earth, which is clearly evident from the U N ...
Environmental Governance deals with the correlation and interface among the Government and non-Government authorities, their procedures and methods, in making environmental decisions. It lays emphasis on the fact that environmental decisions should be arrived at taking a fair approach with particular emphasis on the need for citizens and interest groups, and communities must be allowed to participate and have their voices heard in environment decision-making. The ...
Refugees can be easily portrayed as the best illustration of violation of human rights in the educated and vigilant twentyfirst century. Their numbers act as indicators of their plight and flight and indirectly question the existence and viability of the international norms and principles that speak in their favour .Mere presence of rights in various human rights instruments do not solve the issues faced by them. What is imperative and necessary is a strong ...
Illustrations of deprivation and infringement of rights of the girls are mostly recorded from developing countries, but the stark reality is that they continue to be manifested in diverse forms in diverse countries. Their unequal status is reflected in innumerable countries across the globe but the other story of the happy girl child with a smiling face is seldom noticed or projected. This is because the happy stories are not projected evenly with the sad ...
This book provides a glimpse of a grave social issue that has plagued nations all over the globe. Trafficking in persons at present is a social debacle. It is an organized industry that is operating in the underground economy worldwide. Both the developed and the underdeveloped world are plagued by the shackles of trafficking of women and children. The international borders have become highly permeable so that human beings are routed from one nation to another as ...
The deficiencies in conventional agriculture have opened up new vistas in the domain of farm biotechnology, one of which is genetically modified crops. Devised to meet the challenges of conventional agriculture, which ranges from poverty reduction to food diversity, from social uplift to economic gains, genetically modified crops have created a niche for themselves but with the passage of time, there has been a divergence of opinion as regards the necessity and ...
Developing countries have made a steady improvement towards the universalisation of elementary education. The progress in Asia is commendable with increased enrolments and retention in the primary schools disregarding gender differences. Such considerable enhancement is the outcome of several initiatives undertaken by the governments of various nations as also the non-governmental initiatives taken by the socially spirited people. India is one of such developing ...
Illiteracy has had its imprint cast on society through various differences, one of the most remarkable and most frequent being gender disparities. Numerous studies show that illiterate women have generally high level of maternal mortality, poor nutritional status, low earning potential and little autonomy within the household. Education gives women the knowledge to understand that they have the potential, that they are entitled to basic rights and demand and seek ...