Devdutt Pattanaik

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What does the Biblical story of Nathan and David say about effective communication skills? How do you identify the Raja Bhoj, the Gangu Teli and the Shekchilli in your office? What is the corporate equivalent of an Ashwamedha yajna? Drawing from sources as diverse as the Mahabharata and the Bible, the Vikram-Betal stories, the Iliad and the Odyssey, Islamic tenets, the tales of rishis and kings, and fables from around the world, Devdutt Pattanaik, India’s ...
Reflecting on one of Hinduism’s most popular prayer for positive energy Acclaimed mythologist Devdutt Pattanaik demystifies the Hanuman Chalisa for the contemporary reader. His unique approach makes the ancient hymn accessible, combined as it is with his trademark illustrations.
Every time we experience negativity in the world and within ourselves, every time we encounter jealousy, rage, and frustration, manifesting as violation and violence, we hear, or ...
We live in times where people have extreme views. On the one hand, there are scholars who describe Shiva’s linga literally as a phallus, and see all metaphoric meaning as embarrassed apology of the uneducated. On the other hand, we have puritanical Hindus who want to strip the Shiva linga of all sexual meaning and sanitize Shiva’s lore. In both cases, a symbol is being reduced to a sign. In Shiva to Shankara, Devdutt Pattanaik, India’s leading ...
Olympus is the home of the Greek gods, much like Amravati of the Hindu devas.
Zeus, leader of Olympians, wields a thunderbolt like Indra, and rides an eagle like Vishnu.
Olympus is the home of the Greek gods, much like Amravati of the Hindu devas.
Zeus, leader of Olympians, wields a thunderbolt like Indra, and rides an eagle like Vishnu.
The feats of the Greek hero Heracles, known to Romans as Hercules, reminded many of Krishna, as did his name, Hari-kula-esha or ...
Saraswati is the goddess of knowledge in Hinduism, as well as in Buddhism and Jainism. Her name is derived from the fluidity (saras) of the imagination. Human imagination enables us to invent and innovate, visualize, plan and de-risk. Yet imagination is a bad word in the world of business and management. It strips us of certainty. We want to control the imagination of those who work for us, prevent their minds from wandering from work. Yet every human being lives ...
Durga is the goddess of power in Hinduism, as well as in Buddhism and Jainism. Her name is derived from the word ‘fortress’ (durg). She is the goddess of kings. She rides a lion, the king of the jungle and a symbol of royalty everywhere from China to England. We tend to tiptoe around the role of power in management, and fail to openly acknowledge how the animal desire to dominate often destroys the best of organizations. Critics tend to see power as a ...
In the Hindu trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, Vishnu is the protector of the cosmos who preserves lie, making sure that all creatures enjoy a meaningful existence.
Respected by gods, feared by demons and adored by humans, Vishnu sits in the highest heaven Vaikuntha, instituting and maintaining the sacred, moral and ethical order of dharma to ensure harmony in the three worlds.
Whenever these laws are broken, whenever chaos and evil threaten the universe, ...
He is Eka-vachani, a king who always keeps his word; Eka-bani, an archer who strikes his target with the first arrow; and Eka-patni, a husband who is eternally and absolutely devoted to a single wife.
He is maryada purushottam Ram, the supreme upholder of social values, the scion of the Raghu clan, jewel of the solar dynasty, the seventh avatar of Vishnu, God who establishes order in worldly life. Hindus believe that in stressful and tumultuous times chanting ...
Hinduism makes room for all these beliefs. Sacred texts state that the divine principle is both nirguna, without form, and saguna, with form. As nirguna, the divine principle stands beyond the confines of gender. As saguna, God can be masculine or feminine. Hence the Shakta cult of the mother-goddess Devi is as important to the Hindu as the worship of Shiva and Vishnu.
Hinduism is one of the few surviving religions where the divine principle is adored in female ...
The Success Sutra is packed with unique and profound insights into how individuals can create wealth and achieve success in life by following Indian principles of strategic thinking and decision-making. Most human beings hunger after riches and success. There are any number of management books which provide theories and techniques on how to become rich and successful. All of them advise us to chase Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, in order to make her our own. But ...
Lakshmi massages Vishnu’s feet. Is this male domination? Kali stands on Shiva’s chest. Is this female domination? Shiva is half a woman. Is this gender quality? Why then is Shakti never half a man? Taken literally, stories, symbols and rituals of Hindu mythology have much to say about gender relationships. Taken symbolically, they reveal many more things about humanity and nature. Which is the correct reading? The fourth title in the bestselling ...
Smeared with ash, draped in animal hide, he sits atop the snow-capped mountain, skull in hand, withdrawn, with dogs for company, destroying the world with his, indifference. He is God who the Goddess shall awaken. His name is Shiva. Locked in his stories, symbols and rituals are the secrets of our ancestors. This book attempts to unlock seven.
About The Author: Dr Devdutt Pattanaik is a medical doctor by training, a marketing manager by profession and a ...
In the game of cricket, having scored 99 runs, when a batsman stands poised on the threshold of that much coveted century, he experiences the moment that is best associated with Ganesha.
Fear and uncertainty envelope him; between him and his achievement stand hurdles, both real and imaginary: a possible spin from the bowler can overwhelm him, his own anxiety can paralyze him, cheering fans can distract him He needs divine intervention then He needs to focus, get ...
High above the sky stands Swarga, paradise, abode of the gods. Still above is Vaikuntha, heaven, abode of God.The doorkeepers of Vaikuntha are the twins, Jaya and Vijaya, both whose names mean ‘victory’. One keeps you in Swarga; the other raises you into Vaikuntha. In Vaikuntha there is bliss forever, in Swarga there is pleasure for only as long as you deserve.What is the difference between Jaya and Vijaya? Solve this puzzle and you will solve the ...
This book puts forth the heritage of Lakshmi, who is the goddess of wealth, fortune, beauty, fertility, and auspiciousness. She is the patron of knowledge for material advancement. The book is replete with colour plates depicting Lakshmi gorgeously bedecked in gold and jewels. Essentially, a book which will be enjoyed by the whole family.
Hanuman, the lord of monkeys, is one of the few gods in Hinduism to be worshipped across caste lines by followers of the Shaiva, Vaishnava and Shakta orders. He is admired for his strength, scholarship, wisdom, humility and celibacy. This book is an attempt to understand the imagery, ritual and philosophy associated with Hanuman worship in our time. At its heart is a single narrative on the life of the monkey-god woven out of plots and ideas found in the Valmiki ...
Hinduism's faces are several: to some it is a philosophy of life; others associate it with the Vedas, sacrifices and worship of icons; yet others acknowledge Bhagawan as the supreme lord of all beings. In India itself over 700 million people are Hindus: orthodox, reformist, philosophically inclined or a combination of all. Hinduism, as a religion, has evolved continuously since 2500 BC. Hindu India unfolds the complexities of Hinduism with the starting point that ...
Lakshmi, the goddess of material abundance, affluence, authority and auspiciousness, is the most popular goddess of the Hindu patheon. An understanding of her helps one appreciate the Hindu attitude towards wealth and power. This book brings together: Stories of the goddess compiled from Vedas, Puranas, Tantras and folk narratives; Over 200 images from different parts of India, from different times, each in a different style; Symbols associated with fertility ...
This work is an attempt to understand the meaning of Shiva worship in our time exploring various pictorial images of Shiva iconography, taking us through Shaivite philosophy, beliefs, history, folklore and myth. It is the first step in an infinite voyage to unveil the whole picture by giving the general reader a clear and substantial account of Shiva and Shaivism. The mythology of Shiva expresses divine predicament in human terms: the gods play and act in the ...
Hindus have one God. They also have 330 million gods: male gods, female gods, personal gods, family gods, household gods, village gods, gods of space and time, gods for specific castes and particular professions, gods who reside in trees, in animals, in minerals, in geometrical patterns and in man-made objects. Then there are a whole host of demons. But no Devil.In this groundbreaking book Dr Devdutt Pattanaik, one of India’s most popular mythologists, seeks an ...