Showing all 3 books
Availability of foods grains per person has increased from 452 g per capita per day to over 476 g per capita per day, even as the country’s human population almost doubled from 548 million to about 1025 million. This could have been possible due to the positive efforts of agricultural research and extension policies and availability of matching technologies for nutrient-water-soil-stress management with high yielding varieties of crop plants. The continued ...
The purposes of this book are to provide basic theoretical information on seed production and its testing with detailed procedure in how-to-do-it format, reasoning through which this information has been achieved and to bring together the elements of seed technology at one place in a simple applied way. In planning the present edition of the book we paid close attention to procedures, symptoms with great prominence to illustrations. The book comprises of 40 ...
Opportunities exist for increasing food production in a sustainable manner through the genetic improvement of field crops. One of the potential tools for improvement of the crop performance is the genetic alteration and selection. The ability to modify plant characteristics or select plants with desirable attributes, or both, has enormous implication for the potential productivity of a crop, sustainability of the crop and the cropping system along with the ...