70 books
The education for all 2000 assessment was planned to combine quantitative and qualitative information for a complete picture of progress in EFA over the Jomtein decade. To complement the EFA country reports, fourteen global thematic studies were commissioned; their executive summaries are appearing in this book. These thematic studies reflect some of the key policy areas confronting basic educators in the first decade of the twenty-first century, no less than in ...
Teacher education is quantitatively marching ahead towards quality education. The central and State governments through the NCTE and the Directorates of School / Higher Education are rendering their legitimate service in improving the quality of teacher education by formulating and implementing various academic policies and educational programmes. Along with these policies and programmes, the teacher educators and the prospective teachers teaching and studying in ...
At a glance, education and administration appear to be two different disciplines. But, education requires perfect administration, while administration needs administrators, who should necessarily be highly educated. Thus, both are inter-related. Administration in the area of education is a difficult job. Normally, administration is based on the plank of tough handling and strict discipline, often imposed by force. It is here, where ordinary administration differs ...
In preparation for the World Education Forum in Dakar, April 2000, more than 180 countries have participated in the Education for All 2000 Assessment, preparing country reports on the development of education for all. In these country reports, information was given answering key questions about the progress in basic education over the last decade of the twentieth century. This global synthesis draws upon the country reports, as well as regional syntheses, ...
Population education is an educational programme which provides for a study of the population situation in family, community, nation and the world with the purpose of developing rational and responsible attitudes and behaviours towards that situation. It is an educational programme that provides for the study of population phenomenon in order to make the students take feasible decisions towards problems arising out of population explosion. The population ...
Teaching is a very sophisticated profession. It requires a special knack for knowing things and transferring knowledge to others. A teacher also requires an acumen for imparting education and training the minds of the students. In fact, a teacher is the role model for his taught. Teaching needs a particular skill and one has to master it, he or she desires to become an effective teacher. Thus, our teachers--particularly young and those, who are under ...
The teachers play a major role in implementing the policies and schemes formulated to achieve a breakthrough in the quantitative and qualitative improvement of education. In making the teachers, many innovative experiment are in practice along with traditional teacher education programmes. This book presents some such innovative teacher education programmes which are providing inspiring experiences in teacher education and training worldwide. An Intelligent ...
Teacher effectiveness is the effective linkage of teacher competence and teacher performance with the accomplishment of teacher goals. It mainly depends on the teacher characteristics such as knowledge base, sense of responsibility, and inquisitiveness; the student characteristics such as opportunity to learn, and academic work; the teaching factors such as lesson structure, and communication; the learning aspects such as involvement and success; and the ...
The Education For All movement committed to meet basic learning needs of all children, youths and adults. In the process, the EFA 2000 Assessment was made combining quantitative and qualitative information to get a complete picture of progress in Education For All over the Jomtein decade, 1990-2000. As a part EFA 2000 Assessment, the International Consultative Forum commissioned some global thematic studies. The reports of those thematic studies are presented in ...
The book will serve as a foundation for health curriculum development, health instruction and assessment of student performance. The Subject mater of the book represent a frame work upon which each state or school district can develop curricula designed to create a “well-educated, literate person within the context of healthâ€.
Teacher education is quantitatively marching ahead towards quality education. The central and state governments through the NCTE and the directorates of school/higher education are rendering their legitimate service in improving the quality of teacher education by formulating and implementing various academic policies and educational programmes. Along with these policies and programmes, the teacher educators and the prospective teachers teaching studying in ...
Teacher educators are responsible to provide the totality of experiences which contribute to the preparation of a person for a teaching profession, and to help to qualify a person to assume the responsibilities as a member of the educational profession. The teacher educators who prepare teacher should have adequate job satisfaction as it influences the quality of teacher education. Identifying the role of job satisfaction, a study has been undertaken to study the ...
Teacher education is quantitatively marching ahead towards quality education. The central and state governments through the NCTE and the Directorates of School/Higher Education are rendering their legitimate service in improving the quality of teacher education by formulating and implementing various academic policies and educational programmes. Along with these polices and programmes, the teachers teaching and studying in teacher education institutions need good ...
The education for all 2000 assessment is the most in-depth evaluation of basic education ever undertaken on a global scale. It takes stock of the current status of education in each country and evaluates the progress that has been achieved during 1990s since the World Conference on Education For All, Jomtein, March 1990. Since July 1998, some 180 countries have undertaken the assessment and the national assessment teams have prepared country reports outlining the ...
School organization is an important exercise in the field of Education. Establishing a school is a revolutionary task and running it, is further difficult, demanding specific acumen and capabilities. Important are policies and programmes to be undertaken to found, organize, administer and operate schools in a scientific manner and democratic style. The modern schools are run on certain principles and practices. So, School Organisation requires some particular ...
Teacher education is quantitatively marking ahead towards quality education. The central and state governments through the NCTE and the directorates of school/higher education are rendering their legitimate service in improving the quality of teacher education by formulating and implementing various academic policies and educational programmes, the teacher educators and the prospective teachers teaching and studying in teacher education institutions a need good ...
Science and technology have occupied almost all spheres of human life and living. The wonderful achievements of science and technology have glorified the modern world and transformed the civilization into a scientific and technological civilization. Considering the importance of science and technology, they have been incorporated in every stage of education.
Scientific attitude, scientific aptitude and achievement in biology are of much concerned to science educators for several decades, as these have a great influence on one’s academic career and personal life. Considering the importance of these, a comprehensive research study has been undertaken to identify the level of these three present in the secondary school students and to know their inter-relationship. The secondary school students are with average ...
Education, like other areas in practical life and society has its own share of problems and difficulties. However, Problems of Education are distinguished and different from those in other walks of life. Educational problems are manyfold and exist at all levels and in all stages--primary, secondary, higher and research levels. In accordance with the conditions and any particular situation, the academics have to cope with what comes their way and also find the ...
Science and technology have occupied almost all spheres of human life and living. The wonderful achievements of science and technology have glorified the modern world and transformed the civilization into a scientific and technological civilization. Considering the importance of science and technology, they have been incorporated in every stage of education.