Showing all 3 books
Simply, in order to reduce the complexity of designing and building computers, nearly all the computers are made to execute relatively simple commands. A programme for a computer must be built by combining very simple commands into a programme in what is called machine language. Since this is a tedious and error-prone process, most of the programming is, instead, done using a high-level programming language. This language can be different that ...
In Islam, we have particular interpretations for the usual terms, like intellect, education, society and polity etc. In this book specially these terms have been discussed in detail, in the light of the historical background with relevance to the present day context. This book has three sections, viz., Islamic Wisdom, Spirit of Governance and Present Scenario. In the first section, Islamic Philosophy has been studied, with special reference to Holy Quran, ...
Islam, contrary to common belief, is a scientific religion, based on logic and reasoning, with a rational attitude towards life and the world. Islam, as a religion and socio-political institution came on scene in 7 century A.D. and spread over the world in the years to come, the prime reason for this being sovereignty of God and the universal brotherhood. Islam is far more democratic and scientific in its ideology than the world thinks. Islam believes in equality ...