Dipankar Banerjee

Showing all 8 books
There is widespread consensus that as two rising powers, India and China will have progressively more to do together at the regional and global levels and that their cooperation needs to be strengthened and expanded. This book represents the first occasion where academic specialists and retired military personnel from both countries have come together with serving military officers to give their views on a number of important and sensitive topics ranging from ...
SAARC is the only regional organisation for South Asia. If regional cooperation is the key to future progress and prosperity it is imperative that this institution be strengthened. From its mid teen years, SAARC is now poised to arrive at maturity in the new millennia. How should it shape itself in the future? First, is the need for a shared vision. What should be done to develop a common vision that is shared by all its constituents? How should we best harmonise ...
This book lies at the intersection between United Nations peacekeeping operations and India-Japan relations. While India has been at the forefront of UNPKO since its beginning, Japan due to its unique recent history and pacifist constitution is a more recent, hesitant and tentative contributors to overseas peaceful military operations. Instead, Japan is the second largest contributor to the UN’s regular and peacekeeping budgets and has provided some senior ...
The terrorist attacks on the US on 9/11, has affected and will continue to affect profoundly the world, no matter how one looks at it. There are differing views on its global impact as well as its consequences and only time will tell which opinions prevail. But, its impact on South Asia has been and will continue to be very high for a long period of time. Both as a possible locale of its origin as well as the scene of the immediate war on terror, the countries in ...
The general situation in Jammu and Kashmir has vastly improved in the recent years. More than before, it is apparent today that security is multidimensional and whether it is economy, media, culture or migration, these cannot be compartmentalized and kept away from the all encompassing question of security. Though the security situation has vastly improved, there is more to be done. And more to be said about the impact of this improved situation on the peace ...
North-East India is no longer a terra incognito to Indian historiography. Thanks to the efforts of various agencies and departments, there has been considerable progress in the historical research of this region. These researches have brought to light evidences of past cultures of North-East India. However there is a need to sustain this enthusiasm and also study and interpret the different sources of the history of this region. The book also emphasizes on the ...