Showing all 3 books
One hundred years ago, the Adyar Library began its career with a modest collection of books. But the Founder, Col. H. S. Olcott, was a man of vision who saw a great future for the institution. In his eyes, it was to be not only an instrument for the revival of Sanskrit literature, but a 'power and blessing to the world', making available once again the wisdom and insights which were part of India's living traditions. From 1879 onwards, the Theosophical Society in ...
A few centuries back there arose in the vast firmament of Sanskrit literature a big and brilliant star, the Tattvacintamani of Sri Gangesopadhyaya. It was acclaimed by all erudite men of that time as the clearest and most authoritative exposition of the principles of Nyaya, and to some extent of Vaisesika, philosophy. The intrinsic value of this great work prompted not a few of the intellectual giants o succeeding generations to write elaborate commentaries on ...
It is with mixed feelings that we are publishing the Seventh Prof. M.S. Menon Endowment Lectures entitled "The Vedic Tradition of Kerala' by late Dr. E.R. Sreekrishna Sarma. While the publication of this important work, though small, gives us great pleasure and satisfaction, the thought that Dr. Sarma himself is not with us to see it in print saddens us greatly. We dedicate this work to his memory.