India is the land of spiritual culmination. She has been the door of salvation for spiritual seekers from time immemorial. This book is a collection of biographical accounts of great spiritual masters who hailed from different parts of our country but integrated the people by their holy thoughts and deeds. The book instills the values of our tradition, richness of our heritage, pride of our country leading to national integration.
'A Glimpse on 101 Ancient Rishis' is the author's debutant approach to demystify the legends of Indian mythology. Anecdotes featuring 101 Rishis and their contributions to humanity, will let the reader experience a deep spiritual import. It would also give them an opportunity to understand and appreciate the scholastic accomplishments, the force of personality and the ethics of those exceptional Rishis. In simple words, the book provides a ...
The author having reproduced stories from the 'Itihaas' (Mahabharatha and Raamayana) or 'Puranas' (ancient legends) or ‘Dharmasastras’ (Smrithi and so on), quotes interesting anecdotes to introduce our culture to the younger generation. Proper guidance and detailed explanations would further enhance the inherent spiritual values of our people. Anyone can read this book to delve deep into the ancient days and appreciate the greatness of our culture.
The Upanishads and the four Vedas constitute the primary scripture of ‘Sanatana Dharma’ or 'Hinduism'. They are together known as 'Sruthi' or 'what is heard'. Loss of political freedom and invasion by foreigners led to the decay of spirituality and culture amongst our men. This book is complete with several quotes from the scriptures to equip the reader with proper information and to enable them to stabilize their drift or stagnation, thereby, lead them to ...
This book covers a wide range of concepts that define the very base of Hinduism, the oldest religion of the world. The scriptural meaning of the Vedas and their ethical influence on the society, have made a spiritual impact on the Rishis. This concept has been presented in a lucid fashion with crisp quotations for a better grasp of the scriptures.