This book has emerged from author’s seven volume of Encyclopedic Caste and Tribes of South India, 1909. It deals with omens, animal superstitions, evil eye, charms, sorcery etc of the psychical life of the inhabitants of the Madras Presidency, and the states of Travancore and Cochin. The author supplemented the personal knowledge acquired in the course of the wandering expedition in the region and by recourse to official reports, gazetteers, journals of ...
The Madras Presidency: With Mysore, Coorg and the Associated States
The set is one of the pioneering works in the field of Ethnology Anthropology. It is probably the best and only comprehensive record o almost all the tribes and castes of the southern Indian region covering the areas of Andhra Pradesh Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu etc. It describes the people and their lifestyle their social life, customs manners and religion ceremonies, depicted by many of the rare photographic records.
Castes and Tribes of Southern India (In 7 Volumes)
Todas of the Nilgiris ; Eurasian School-Boys; Meriah Sacrifice Post; Walking Through Fire; Malaialis of the Shevaroys; Scissors People; Sorcery in Coimbatore; Nayadis of Malabar
The casual visitor to India, who limits his observations of the country to the all-too-short cool season, is so impressed by the contrast between Indian life and that with which he has been previously acquainted that he seldom realises the great local diversity of language and ethnology. This local variety, however, receives expression even in the forms of administration; for the success of the British rule in India is largely due to the fact that the early ad ...
Under the scheme for a systematic ethnographic survey of the whole of India, a superintendent for each State and Government was appointed to carry out the work of the survey in addition to his other duties. For the issue of this book the time is not yet ripe, and, as an ad interim, measure, I send forth the present farrago in the hope that it may be of some little use and interest to those who are engaged in the study of ethnological and sociological questions in ...