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Sikkim is rich in orchid and medicinal plant wealth. These need to be protected and at the same cultivated for the sustainable use. The Government of Sikkim decided to go on a more systematic way to develop strategies for cultivation and marketing of these resources. A project design workshops on "Cultivation of Medicinal Plants and Orchids in Sikkim" was organised in collaboration with G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment and development and ...
Himalaya harbours about 500 species of medicinal plants and these are used for curing illness from time immemorial. Anthology reveals that the life saving drug "Sanjivani" was taken from the Himalayan by 'Hanuman' on the direction of a celestial physician "Dhanvantari' and saved the life of a prince as narrated in the epic Ramayana which dates about 3000 years back. The ethno-cultural diversity in the Himalaya is quite pronounced and folk medicinal ...
Himalaya is one of the youngest and greatest mountain systems of the world stretching almost 3200 km east-west. Sikkim Situated in the eastern Himalaya became the 22nd state of India in 1975. It is a small state having hilly terrain spread over 7096 km2 with elevation ranging from 250 to 8595 m above msl. There are 440 villages, 8 towns, and 4 districts with a poulation of 406457 as recorded in 1991. Four major ethnic groups of people namely Lepchas, Bhutias, ...
Contents: Foreword. Executive summary. Acknowledgements. I. Introduction: 1. Developing transboundary biodiversity conservation landscape and conservation corridors in the Kangchenjunga Complex/Eklabya Sharma. II. Biodiversity Conservation: 2. Protected areas and biodiversity conservation in the Hindu Kush-Himalayan Region with special reference to the Kangchenjunga Landscape/Bandana Shakya and Rabindra Man Joshi. 3. Feasibility assessment for developing ...