Showing all 3 books
Heritage of kashmit, contains papers presented at the seminar held at srinagar, kashmir by eminent scholars in various fields. It is hoped that this volume will provide the rechearches as well as the scholars fresh lines of approach for further investgations into the composite culture of kashmir.the collection of papers, edited for publications in this volume, is a part of the material presented to the council from time to time.it is planed to edit & publish ...
Among the sufis, we have classical scholars, whose life & works have deeply inffluenced the thought of the east &west. I benal-arabi(d. 1240) who inspired medieval western scholars, complied the following beautiful poem:my heart is capable now off all forms.it is a pasture for the gazilles.a convert for the christan monks.a temple for ideals the kabah of pligrims.the table of mosaic law.the book of al-quran.