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Conversion is one of the most emotional issue in India. In recent years the religious freedom and rights of minorities have been in news. The electoral politics and communal riots in Gujrat have created a fear amongst the minorities. Conversion is not only a religious or political issue but at the same time, it has vital societal and legal implications as well. It is really shocking that such a crucial area has not been investigated objectively and rationally. ...
The Freedom of Information is truly a sine quo non of democratic polity, transparency, and self government. It ensures people’s effective participation in the government. Today, there is a global trend in the direction of enacting freedom of information laws. The book in hand examines the jurisprudence and constitutional justifications of freedom of information. It undertakes a historical journey of freedom of information laws of various countries in the world. ...
The book traces, analyses and examines various dimensions of Article 356 which has become one of the most hotly debated topic of Indian Constitution. It discusses the idea of constitutionalism i.e. limited government and tries to demonstrate that by conferring too much power in the central government, Article 356 violates the most fundamental principle of the constitution. It examines the concept of federalism to show that article 356 will continue to create ...
The book traces, analyses and examines the origin, justification and principles of copyright in common law systems. Reference has also been made to civil law system at relevant points. The protection of copyright under international law has been given a detailed treatment and an analysis of international copyright convention has been presented. The issue of subjects of copyright has been examined at length and the differences between the common law system and ...