Showing all 7 books
India means 1.2 billion people, one sixth of humanity, with the largest concentration of the poor in the world. There are competing dreams and imaginations about its future. The book is an attempt to look at the burning issues of today and hope with the poor and the marginalized for a different India Unlike the one the pundits of neo-liberalism imagine and project.
Fifty years ago, Martin Luther King, a humble pastor from the periphery, made that historic speed, "I have a dream..." It stirred the conscience of the world and inspired hope for the marginalized all over the world. What Martin Luther king did was in effect a public theology in the context of racial discrimination and denial of civil rights to an already oppressed people.
Public theology offers an open forum to all those who, moved by their religious ...
Contents:Pt. 1. The subaltern journey; Pt. 2. Pathways to justice; Pt. 3. Theological crossroads; Pt. 4. Continuing common journey.
Utopia is not an unreal figment of imagination, or a chimera we chase in futility. It is the projection of another real order of things, a different set of values, and a new shape of the world and society. The suppressed identities, women, minorities, Dalits and tribals and all those who are marginalized in any way, project their utopias. Utopia leaps out from the shoulder of many struggles to glimpse and experience the new and the different. Critique is ...
At a time when communal frenzy is running amok and war-clouds are perilously gathering, religiously committed persons need to interrogate new what their religious traditions could offer in terms of effective harmony and peace. This book is an attempt to bring into interplay the Christian ideals and practice with the struggles India, and Asia at large, is going through to create a more humane and just society. The book presents refreshingly new and ...
This book is addressed to all people of good will who are concerned about what happens to the poor in our Asian societies. Christian Hope is not a self centred hope-it is a hope for the world, for the whole of human family. Christians may find in this volume a help to critically reflect on our societies and above all relate their life and faith with the drams and hopes of the powerless. The book is also intended to help the Christians forge new ...