Showing all 4 books
North Indian or Hindustani art music has a wealth of vocal genres and instrumental styles. Some of them rooted in the past and others of a more recent origin. Although Indian music is primarily an oral tradition, it has a long practice of written music theory. Through dozens of musicological treatises and other historical documents we know that changes in patronage and musical taste have had a profound effect on ragas, talas, style and repertoire.This ...
A number of artistic trends, derived from the Arabo-Persian tradition, contributed to the richness of music in medieval India. The first volume of Nur-Ratnakar offers a compendium of sources on the early manifestations of this cross-cultural phenomenon, from the end of the tenth century to the end of the fourteenth, a key-period in the development of Indian music, especially court-music. Some of the important Arabic and Persian sources examined in the first ...