Showing all 4 books
Offers a perspectives that opens unique insights into the multi-facets spiritual universe that is Buddhism. Also crucial notions of suffering and its cessation, void form, nirvana-samsara are elucidated.
“Islam is the meeting between God as such and man as such… Islam confronts what is immutable in God with what is permanent in man.†These are the opening words of what has become a classic work on Islam, perhaps the most misunderstood of the great Revelations. And yet the purpose of this book “is not so much to give a description of Islam as to explain… why Moslems believe in it.†Both Westerners unfamiliar with Islam and Moslems seeking a deeper ...
‘Form and Substance in the religions’ talks about the great spiritual traditions. It signifies the emergence of authentic contemplative thought in this darkening time. The author has touched the very essence of the subject. This book will take to a journey that is at once intellectual and spiritual from the circumference to the center.
Is there a aTranscendent Unity: underlying the great religionsof mankind? Does not every true religion start from an historicrevelation which holds the key to its subsequent development?Is humanity divided into a number of aworlds:, each with itsappropriate religious tradition? On questions such as these, thisnow classic work by one of the greatest metaphysicians of the20th century, throws clear light on every page. Concerning thisbook T.S. Eliot wrote aI have ...