G Devarajan

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This is a treatise on information science and information technology. It discusses Indian information sources, electronic sources, information access tools, reference services, bibliographical organizations, information systems, products, and more. This book will benefit students in library and information science coursework, teachers, and librarians.
This book examines various aspects on information science and information technology in India. The studies are significant in that they deal with contemporary issues and problems that arise in practical information management. The studies are also of academic relevance as they figure in the syllabi of library and information science courses in India. The book will be of interest to students, teachers, librarians, and information managers.
A compendium of selected research studies conducted in various Library Schools in Indian Universities. The subjects such as professional development, reading habits of women, space planning in libraries, industrial information system, I.T applications in decentralised planning and bibliometrics, scientometrics and webometrics studies focussed on various communication media are investigated. A reference manual for students, teachers and researchers engaged in ...
Information is a vital resource and valuable input for sustainable social development. Development of various types of libraries in India was in a sluggish pace during the post independence period. Attempts were made for the establishment of various types of libraries during the post independence period because of the initiative of various organisations. Now it is time to make an objective assessment in the development of libraries and librarianship in India ...
The challenges in any subject indicate the dynamic nature of the subject. The challenges’ will be greater in subjects like interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary in scope. The librarianship underwent a number of challenges in its course of development. The changing faces of libraries, revolutionary changes in the physical forms of information sources, novel methods in information storage and retrieval, application of information technology and communication ...
Bibliometrics has attained significance in recent years because of it's practical application in the evaluations of library operations and services as a statistical technique it has extensive applications in library and information field in identifying the research trends in a subject, trends in authorship and collaboration in research, author productivity, core journals, obsolescence and scattering of literature. It is also useful in libraries in formulating ...
A reference book of selected studies in the new frontiers of library and information science. The subjects such as fiscal allocation, design and development of information systems in Ayurveda, veterinary science and small scale industries, user studies of college teachers, pure scientists and rural women, etc. are investigated in depth. A reference manual for researchers, teachers and students in library and information science.
A compendium of nine selected research studies in the category of applied research in Library and Information Science. The subject such as agricultural and farm information services. IT in tribal medicine, user education in agricultural universities, information requirements of career information seekers, research productivity of university teachers, organization, administration of DRDO libraries, organization and administration of university libraries, IT ...
This book is a collection of selected studies that highlight the application of information technology in the scientific management of collection, organization and dissemination of information in the various types of libraries. The significant subjects include Economics of information, information services in various types of libraries, user education, library software packages, scientific productivity studies sociology of information digital divide etc. A useful ...
The book is an outcome of a Seminar cum Workshop organized in Trivandrum for the research guides under the Faculty of Arts, University of Kerala. All papers included in the book propose the guidelines to improve quality research in all subjects coming under the Faculty of Arts in the university. The papers also focus that drastic measures are to be undertaken so as to overcome the erosion of standard in research and to rejuvenate the quality of research and in ...
A compendium of selected research studies conducted in various Library Schools in Indian Universities. The subjects such as professional development, reading habits of Women, Space planning in libraries, industrial information system, I. T applications in decentralised planning and Bibliometrics, Scientometrics and Webometics studies focused on various communication media are investigated. A reference manual for students, teachers and researchers engaged in ...