Showing all 2 books
Divergent and variegated in many respects were the numerous races that were enlisted into our Indian Army till the first decade of the last century and from which our present day army derives its colour and variety of uniformed men and their respective regiments. These military races were different in creed, in customs, in temperament and in traditions. This book deals with the erstwhile Armies of India from the army of the East India Company to the Indian Armies ...
Much has been written about the British rule in India and the multifarious effects – some bad, some not so bad -- it had on the locals, and the various developments it led to in terms of infrastructure and institutions. But what is generally available on bookshelves presents the native view, be it in favour of the Raj or against it. The British view, though expressed in volumes over the years, is not readily available to the average reader. The book in hand has ...