G. Jegadeesan

Showing all 7 books
Entrepreneurs are people who create and grow enterprises; entrepreneurship is the process through which enterprises are created and grown. Entrepreneur development refers to the infrastructure of public and private policies and practices that foster and support entrepreneurship. India is the 5th largest economy in the world and it ranks above the UK, France, Italy and Russia and has the 3rd largest GDP in the entire continent of Asia. But in India, 390 million ...
Personality is what makes individuals unique and a study of several personalities reveals different behavioral traits. Personality may be understood as the characteristic patterns of behavior and modes of thinking that determine a person’s adaptation to the environment. Personality is the dynamic organization of those psychological systems within an individual that determine his unique adjustments to his environment. Thus, personality is the sum total of ...
Healthy and orderly industrial relations in an enterprise generate democratic attitudes which lead to progress and stability. Eventhough workers demand equal say in decision-making, employers can and do resist these demands. This resistance has resulted in great dissatisfaction, distress and distrust among workers which they express through violent activities. This creates differences between employers and employees in the industrial world. Industrial disputes ...
Discipline is the very basis of a well-organized and stable society. It forms the backbone of industrial management. No institution, howsoever progressive, can work effectively with indisciplined employees. The employee-employer relationship depends upon the overall control that an employer exercises over his employees, not only with regard to their performance of work in the establishment but also with regard to their conduct and behavior. Managements have to ...
Employee satisfaction has been defined as a pleasurable emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one's job. There are a variety of factors that can influence a person s level of satisfaction. The advent of the knowledge industry has given rise to a new category of employees-knowledge workers. Due to various factors, the average attrition rate in the knowledge industry is increasing alarmingly. Moreover, HR professionals all over the world, working in BPOs ...
Training is a process of learning a sequence of programmed behavior. Development is a related process. It covers not only those activities which improve job performance but also those which bring about the development of the personality, help individuals progress towards maturity and actualization of their potential capacities. Besides knowledge, a manager requires a range of skills to effectively manage his work and achieve the desired goals. Academic and ...
Conflicts affect the smooth flow of business and, therefore, settlement of disputes is imperative. Heaps of disputes are referred to courts for resolution. Settlement through courts may be time-consuming and highly expensive. Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) is an important alternative to litigation. Commercial disputes have become an international concern with the increase in trade relations allover the world. ADR plays a vital role in the settlement of ...